2022 Recipients

2024 Recipients

2021 Recipients

L to R: David Middleton (Dr. LaDonna Barnett Scholarship), Na'Veah Dudley, Arieona Phillips

Jaurrica Crawford
Josiah Gooden
Dr. LaDonna Barnett Book Scholarship
Amoya Bent
Towles Family Scholarship
Jeremiah Gooden
Kennidi Hipps
Kyla Shumpert
Dr. LaDonna Barnett Book Scholarship
Syrai Lovelace
Jahia Qualls
Towles Family Scholarship
Zaire Joyner
Jayson Minner
Shaniyah Sparkling
Dr. LaDonna Barnett Book Scholarship
Derreck Beal, Jr.
Towles Family Scholarship
Constance Anthony
Derreck Beal, Jr
Paris Prince
Candace Weeden
Nia Williams


The Towles Family Scholarship was created in honor of the founder’s late parents who valued education. It is meant to help students pursue their post-secondary ambitions whether it be college, trade school, or preparation for a career through a training program.
High School Senior enrolled in North St. Louis County School
Preference given to students from Ferguson/Berkeley/Kinloch attendance area
At least 2.0 Cumulative GPA
Preference will be given to the following (others may still apply):
Students from non-traditional families (i.e., single-parent, foster care, etc.)
Students who exhibit financial need (may be asked to verify)
Submit application with the following items:
Unofficial Transcript
2 Letters of recommendation(​1 from school & 1 from community member)
Acceptance letter to college/university/technical school/training program
Attend a 15-30 minute interview with scholarship committee
Applicants will be notified of acceptance
Attend scholarship banquet (attendance at the banquet is mandatory to receive your award)

The Towles Family Scholarship was created in honor of the founder’s late parents who valued education. It is meant to Dr. LaDonna Jean Barnett was a counselor in the Ferguson-Florissant School District for many years. She was the Department Chairperson for the guidance department at McCluer North, Berkeley/McCLuer South-Berkeley High School, and Berkeley Middle School. She touched the lives of so many young people and coworkers alike. She had a passion for the students she served and they basically became her extended family.
The Titus 2 Foundation will carry on her legacy by awarding a book scholarship in her name to a well deserving student each year.students pursue their post-secondary ambitions whether it be college, trade school, or preparation for a career through a training program.
**The scholarship committee will choose one of the recipients of The Towles Family Scholarship to receive the award.

Jeremiah Desu was a bright young college student who passed away suddenly during his sophomore year at UMKC. In honor of his legacy the JD Memorial Scholarship was created to help current college students who need financial assistiance due to a remaining balance in order to complete their educational endeavors.
JULY-AUGUST for Fall Semester
DECEMBER-JANUARY for Spring Semester
African-American students from St. Louis Metroplitan area
Currently enrolled in a college or university in good standing
Must exhibit financial need not to exceed $1500
Submit application with the following items: (applications provided upon request)
University billing statement (proof of financial need)
Proof of academic progress​
Brief interview with a member of the scholarship committee
Agreement to perform 20 volunteer hours with an approved organization
Plan for financial sustainabilty to continue and complete education.
*Amount of award will vary based on availability of funds. Funds will be awarded at the discretion of the scholarship committee and paid directly to the school. Submission of application does not guarantee funding.